How to Ride the Federal Hiring Wave: finding Federal Government jobs

There is one — and only one — nationwide employer that will continue to annually fill hundreds of thousands of high-paying, secure, dynamic jobs no matter how bad the economy may get.  Who is this employer? The federal government, which will annually hire more than 200,000 new employees throughout the U.S. — including tens
of thousands of interns and recent graduates.

The massive federal hiring wave will continue despite the ongoing national recession.

Our friends at have posted an article on how to find federal openings with a number of links which you can access by clicking here.

You can also find previous Posse List postings on finding Federal jobs by clicking here.

No, the process is long and not easy.  We have heard from Posse List members you waited 9+ months to receive confirmation their resume/application was received, and some waited 2+ years for an interview.

But our contacts at the DOJ, Treasury, the SEC, etc. have indicated a “fast track” on a wide range of positions relating to TARP, the bailouts and other aspects of the financial crisis so keep checking agency web sites.