Sept 24th: the Annual Intermountain eDiscovery Conference — a great 1-day e-discovery event

20 September 2010 — There are (at last count) 23,781 e-discovery conferences booked for the remainder of 2010.  Ok, an exaggeration.  But there are a lot.  And many are redundant, repetitive and  of little value. 

Not so the Intermountain eDiscovery Conference sponsored by Orange Legal Technologies (for full details on the conference click here).   The event organizers have wisely chosen to focus on the “buzz” topics of e-discovery today:  social media and how to handle it from an e-discovery perspective; the continued emergence of Early Case Assessment in all its permutations; metadata (why it’s important and why you should care); and organizing and managing large document reviews – the last one being near and dear to our hearts. 

The faculty is AAA and include such e-discovery luminaries as Sharon Nelson and John Simek from Sensei Enterprises, the computer forensics company experts who were recently on a “Digital Detectives” program on the Duke Law Conference  (click here); Tom O’Connor, Director of the Gulf Coast Legal Technology Center (click here)   who is an expert on document intensive cases;  Rudy Perrino, a partner at Fulbright & Jaworksi, who is well known for his ability to develop and execute “bet the company” litigation strategies (click here); plus many other excellent faculty members. 

We’ll be at the event and we’ll have a post-conference wrap-up with pdfs, links and other conference material.