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Tag Archives for " Early Case Assessment "

IQPC Brussels Focus: Recommind, search powered IRM software

         Two of the main topics at the IQPC Conference in Brussels last week on e-discloure (with much written of late in the e-discovery blogs) has been concept searching and “predictive

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Why EMC bought Kazeon, and musings on what’s next for the ECM and e-discovery markets

           The industry buzz about the EMC/Kazeon link-up was chatted about and rumored for some weeks (and the hot topic at the bars at ILTA last week).   Here are a few articles examining

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LegalTech West Coast: the focus on early case assessment and document relevance

As we have reported in several posts these last few months, early case assessment (ECA) is the key technology to reducing the cost of e-discovery.  There have been multiple vendors in this space with

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