Why EMC bought Kazeon, and musings on what’s next for the ECM and e-discovery markets

emc-small           kazeon-small

The industry buzz about the EMC/Kazeon link-up was chatted about and rumored for some weeks (and the hot topic at the bars at ILTA last week).   Here are a few articles examining the whys’n and whatfors:

The press release from EMC and Kazeon  http://snipurl.com/rkh3n

The EMC blog: their view on the deal  http://snipurl.com/rllx6

Why EMC bought Kazeon http://snipurl.com/rkguv

Update: EMC Paying $150 Million For Kazeon Systems http://snipurl.com/rkgm4

EMC ‘Stitching’ Its Stack With Kazeon  http://snipurl.com/rkh2e

Marrying ECM and E-Discovery: EMC and Kazeon http://bit.ly/p1IuM

The analysis is just beginning so we’ll add more articles as they appear.

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